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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Voter Registration, Meeting, Nancy Pelosi

Voter Registration
Wednesday Oct 4th from 5-7
Outside of the Cafeteria

Next Meeting:
Thursday, Oct 5th @ 7PM
3rd Floor of Ross Commons

Nancy Pelosi Speaks @ Penn
Friday, Oct 6th @ 10AM
Logan Hall Terrace Room,
35th and Locust (approx)

Nancy Pelosi, the House Minority Leader (and if we take back the House possibly the first ever woman speaker of the House), will be coming to Penn this Friday. This will be a nationally televised event dealing with college students and how we can play a role in the elections. It would be awesome to have as many of us go as possible. For those who can't make the meeting but want to go to the event we will be meeting in front of Sean's apartment which is 3318 Arch St (across from Towers hall) at 9:30 AM sharp. Hope to see everyone at the meeting and event!
