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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Saturday: Day of Action

Canvassing in South Philly
Saturday, Oct 14th @ 9:45AM
Meet at 3318 Arch St. across from Towers

This Saturday is a huge day of action for Philadelphia. All the campaigns and organization are coming together for a day of action to support Casey and Rendell. It is going to be a great chance to get around Philadelphia, meet new people, and volunteer for the campaigns we support. I would love to get as many of us as possible to the canvassing this Saturday. Tell your friends, anyone, this is going to be a great chance to do something positive. We will be meeting in front of my house (3318 Arch St. across from Towers Hall) at 9:45 AM Saturday October 14th. We will be done by 1 or 2 in the afternoon. If my house is out of the way you can meet us at Rendell for Governor office at
123 S. Broad Street (Broad and Sansom) in Suite 1220. From there we will be going as a group to a neighborhood in south Philly. Less than 1 month till election guys, we can do it!!! Let me know if you have any questions.

-Sean Miller
President, Drexel Dems
