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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Speaking to U.S.

On the way to McFaddens the other night Loren and I noticed this graffiti under an overpass near 3rd and Callowhill. We were coming from the Obama rally, so it struck me as Obama right away.

I love the imagery of Obama plugged right into the United States. Much has been made of Obama's ability to speak to students and young people, but I think the graffiti is accurate in that he's plugged right into the entire United States. In as much as a politician can reach people directly with an appealing message, Obama is doing it.

As far as I can tell, the artist behind these images is found at There is a gallery of his art sightings, but I only see other "Speaking to U.S." images in Chicago. Have any of you guys seen other images around Philly? Send me your pics if you have, I'm curious about them. I love viral graffiti campaigns.

Here is his/her gallery.

Click "There's more..." for a short video from the artist, who I found online, and more images of that image around the country.
