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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Only 2 Weeks Left...

It's official: Election Day is only 2 weeks away. This week we will be passing out fliers to all of the Freshman dorms and putting up fliers around campus. If anyone is free Friday afternoon we could use some help, so let me know.

We have decided that as a fundraiser/volunteering we will be volunteering for the Rendell office on Election Day. They will be paying us to work that day and since we will be working anyway we might as well get paid and finally have money to work with! Right now we have about 6 people but the more we can get the more amazing it would be. Please get back to me ASAP with your name, phone number, and email if you can volunteer with us on election day. Keep an eye out for more information soon and for a very important meeting next Thursday just before election day!!

-Sean Miller
