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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Drexel to Host Democratic Presidential Debate

(Drexel Students: Volunteer to help at the debate here.)
As some of you have already heard, Drexel University will host the next Democratic Presidential debate on October 30th, 2007. NBC News and MSNBC will be covering the event, and we will post more details as we learn them

If you, as a Drexel student, are interested in being a part of this important event, the best way to get involved is to attend our meeting next Thursday, October 4th, at 7pm on the third floor of Ross Commons.

Below is the full text of the announcement that President Papdakis sent out to the Drexel community announcing the event. (Click "There's More...")

It is my pleasure to inform you of an important national event that will take place on our campus. NBC News has chosen Drexel as the Philadelphia venue for the next televised Democratic debate.

The University will welcome the eight Democratic presidential candidates, the NBC News and MSNBC News crews, and the Democratic National Committee on October 30, 2007.

This event is an excellent expression of Drexel's mission of education, public service and civic engagement. An invitation has also been extended to the Republican National Committee to host one of its debates.

More information about the debate will be posted on Drexel's Web site as it becomes available. I would like thank everyone at Drexel in advance who will work to make this event a success.

(Originally posted Friday, September 28th. It's being kept at the top of the page because its the most important thing we have going on.)
