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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Students: Get Involved with the Democratic Presidential Debate!

Are you excited about the Democratic Presidential Debate coming up here at Drexel? Want to get involved? Here's how.

We're looking for students willing to volunteer to help out at the debate; Ushers, sign holders, people who will do media appearances, and more. If you want to GO to the debate, the best way is to volunteer now and help out.

We have been in discussions with the administration, and they are not prepared yet to make too many details public, but what we can say is that we, the Drexel Democrats, will be handling the student involvement in the debate, and we need volunteers. Below is a form for you to volunteer. Enter your name and email address, and we will contact you.

Also, please come to the meeting this Thursday, October 4th, at 7pm on the third floor of Ross Commons. There will be free pizza and soda, and you'll learn all about the debate!

Please sign up to volunteer here. This does not obligate you to get involved, and signing up to volunteer will NOT mean that you miss the debate. The best way to get involved and see the debate is by volunteering!

Please note that this form is for Drexel students. If you are a student of another Philadelphia university, contact your own school's College Democrats for information about how they are helping us with the debate.

Sorry! Too late to volunteer!
