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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Meeting Wednesday October 10th

We have another meeting tomorrow night, Wednesday October 10th, at 7pm on the third floor of Ross Commons. Go sign up to volunteer for the debate if you haven't already.

For all the people emailing us about the debate who want to get involved, here is your chance. If you came to the meeting last week you don't need to come tonight, because we will be going over the same material for new people.

However, there are some things that we need help with before the debate. We need to train people who would be willing to register voters., and who would be willing to man tables to promote the event. If that is something you are interested in doing, whether you came last week or not, come to the meeting tomorrow. Click "There's More..." for some more quick details.

Drexel's administration has not yet released details regarding how tickets and questions will be handled for the debate. We are working as your advocate by lobbying for the maximum number of student tickets possible, and for significant student involvment.

Once details are made public, we will let you know on this website and by email if you are a member of the Drexel Democrats (join on the sidebar to the right).

Regarding volunteering that we need for our organization, seperate from the debate: As I mentioned, we need to train volunteers to register voters and man tables. There are also positions in the organization that are available, such as social events coordinator. If you are interested in becoming an active member of the Drexel Democrats, come to the meeting. To those of you who came last week and can't make it this week, your absence won't be held against you.

Hope to see you all there!

PS: Barack Obama has released his global warming and energy plan. Check it out, it's pretty exciting. I'll probably write a full post on that soon.
