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Monday, December 10, 2007

College Republicans, We Barely Knew You

It was a little over a month ago when Will Mulgrew triumphantly claimed "We're Up!" on the Drexel College Republicans' blog. Two days later, he posted the second and currently last post, a link to an op-ed of his in The Triangle. It may have been the shortest lifespan ever of a group here at Drexel.

Sean and I think that they were a little embarrassed going into the debate. Afterall, if the Republicans had a presidential debate at Drexel, you can be sure we'd make our presence known! The College Republicans, however, are having a hard time this year rallying support.

I sympathize with my Republican colleagues, however. I imagine that if America had just experienced seven years of a failed Democratic presidency, over a decade of a corrupt Democratic congress, and had a slate of Democratic presidential candidates as buffoonish as Rudy McRomney, that the Drexel Democrats would find their student support as lackluster as the Drexel Republicans do now.

Truth be told, I'm a little disappointed with the lack of a right-wing counterpart on campus. An active College Republican group on campus would help start a conversation and debate on campus about politics, and when young people think about politics, Democrats win. Also, Sean and I had hoped that the CR blog would provide endless hours of entertainment and fodder for our own blog. Instead, it's been a little quiet.

Compared to other schools College Republican's, Drexel's former groups haven't even been that bad. Oftentimes CR groups are run by the rascist, ignorant, and thuggish types. That's not an unfounded assertion, ask around. Our's, by contrast, was always pretty quiet. They never did the stupid "Catch an Illegal Immigrant Day" stuff designed to be inflammatory, or award any "white scholarships" like other CR groups. They even helped our side out with an own-goal when Rick Santorum came to Drexel in 2005.

So I write this not just because we like to poke gentle fun at our right-wing campus colleagues, but with a genuine interest in seeing the CRs get their act together. As I offered before, we'll even be so gracious as to sign your membership petition to get recognized.

Click "There's more..." for the full post.
