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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Other Primary Races

(Photograph by Albert Yee.)

With all the excitment about the presidential primary, it can be easy to forget about the other primaries going on at the same time. Here in Philadelphia one of the big ones is the race to replace indicted state senator Vince Fumo, between Joe Vignola and Anne Dicker.

As you guys remember, we voted to endorse Anne Dicker in this race way back in December, before Vignola had officially thrown his hat into the ring. Well, Vignola and Dicker are both strong candidates, but we have a particular affinity for Anne Dicker. She is a co-founder of Philly For Change and has a strong background with community organizing here in Philly, including helping out the Drexel Democrats over the years. A number of students helped out with her run for state rep in 2006, and her progressive positions made her a student favorite and a natural endorsement for us.

Last night Vignola and Dicker debated the issues at the Philly Neighborhood Networks Forum (Fumo declined to participate), and I strongly recommend reading the recap from Dragonballyee or from Philly Neighborhood Networks. It's pretty clear that Anne is the strong progressive in the race, but Vignola would be better than Fumo also.

After reading the recap, I'm convinced we all made the right decision endorsing Anne Dicker for state senate.
