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Monday, January 21, 2008

Sunday Meeting Recap

Last night we held a meeting, and here is a quick recap for those of you who couldn't make it. Between the weather, the long weekend, and the playoff football, there were quite a few of you who couldn't make it, as we only had 15 people there!

First, Peggy Banaszek, a candidate for state representative from Philadelphia, spoke to us for about a host of issues. I found this very interesting, because Peggy is a first time candidate with a background in both healthcare and college democrats, and she brought an interesting perspective about state and city politics. As you know, the Democrats just took control of the legislature this year, and Peggy emphasized that it's important to take advantage of the opportunity this affords Democrats. Peggy spoke for about 15 minutes, and took questions for just as long. Even though I wish that more people took advantage of the opportunity to listen and ask questions of a candidate, the fact that there were only 15 students made the meeting informal enough to be very interesting.

Anyone who is interested in helping Peggy's campaign can either contact here campaign at or contact us directly and we'll put you in touch with the campaign.

Next we voted on our executive board for 2008. Meet your new leaders!
Chairman: John L.
President: Sean M.
Vice President: Dadly C.
Treasurer: Barbara T.

Political Director: Kristen S.
Events Director: Danielle
Social Events Director: Giancarlo
Membership Director: Caroline T.
Technology Director: Sam C.
Fundraising Director: Theo S.

At our next meeting (February 10th) you can sign up for committees. I strongly recommend anyone who wants to help out sign up for 1 or 2 committees, as its the easiest way to get involved.

Our next meeting will be Sunday, February 10th, because we're skipping a week due to the superbowl. However, on Tuesday, Feb. 5th, we are hosting a watch party at Barahkis Grand Hall for Super Duper Tuesday. It will be a pretty big event, as we have university support and funding behind it. Stay tuned for more details about that.

We're also continuing to work on hosting the Neighborhood Networks conference here at Drexel on March 29th.

Click "There's more..." for everything you missed at from the meeting.
