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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Primary Wrap-up

Well that was a pretty crazy few months, wasn't it? Thank you to all of you who voted this past Tuesday, and an even bigger thank you for all of you who volunteered your time to help get out the vote. Whether you volunteered for Obama, Clinton, the Drexel Dems, or the Committee of Seventy (or any other group), Sean and I sincerely want to thank you for your help.

So here are the numbers: Approximately 475 students living in Drexel's dorm division, 24-10, came out to vote in the Primary. 20 were Republicans, the rest were Democrats. If you account for students registered as independents, students registered in the suburbs or New Jersey, and all the Republicans that didn't turn out to vote, you find out that the turnout of registered Democrats living in the division was about 75 or 80%.

I'll repeat that. About 75 to 80 percent of eligible Democrats fropm Drexel's dorms came out to vote. In the primary. That's pretty damn good, so you should all be proud. Thousands more students voted in surrounding divisions all over Philadelphia and it's suburbs, but 24-10 is a division composed almost exclusively of Drexel students, containing all the University City dorms. So we had 75 to 80 percent turnout rates for freshmen and sophmores. Again, that's phenomonal.

Obama won the division with 76% of the vote, while John McCain edged out Ron Paul 12 votes to 8. I think that the suprisingly poor showing of Paul (8 votes from all of the dorms? That's less than 1 person per dorm!) was my biggest surprise. I actually thought a few dozen kids would come out for him.

Obama carried more than the needed 72.22% of the 2nd congressional district to win 7 of our 9 delegates. And yes, Josh and Molly were both elected and will be attending the convention in Denver. Congratulations to them as well!

Again, thank you, and don't be a stranger now that our primary is over! Get some rest, and be ready for the general election!
