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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Rendell Rally

Rendell Rally
Wednesday, Nov. 1st @ 12:30-1:30
Houston Hall, Penn's Campus
Spruce St. Between 34th and 36th

On Wednesday, November 1st we will be co-hosting with the Penn Dems a rally for Governor Rendell who will be giving a speech and answering questions about issues that matter most to students. The event is from 12:30-1:30 at Houston Hall on Penn's campus, it's on Spruce Street between 34th and 36th I believe. Penn has taken care of pretty much everything, our job is to get as many people to the event as possible. PLEASE everyone tell your friends, even if they don't like politics, we have to get people to the event. Here again is the information, for those who want to go together we can meet outside of my house (3318 Arch St.) at 12:00 and go together. Email me or join the Facebook event if you can attend so I can get a rough estimate of how many are going.

-Sean Miller
