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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Mayoral Election Season & T-Shirts

Next Meeting:
Monday, Mar. 12th @ 8pm
Third Floor, Ross Commons

Hey guys,

I just want to thank everyone who came to the event with Professor Dilworth yesterday. I think that although he didn't talk about the exact things I had talked to him about, we were able to gain some added knowledge of the Mayoral Candidates. I especially want to thank Dadly, Ben, and John for their help. If you have not seen yet, John has made some great Drexel Democrats shirts and hopefully we will be making more in the future. We will not be meeting this upcoming Monday, but will have our final meeting of the term on Monday, March 12th. I hope to see a good turn out to that meeting because we will be planning our goals for the Mayoral election and hosting speakers next term. See you guys soon!

-Sean Miller
President, Drexel Democrats
