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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Meeting Night & Officers

Hey guys,

I want to thank everyone who came to the meeting last week. We were able to begin plans to produce t-shirts and buttons for the Drexel Democrats, so hopefully we will all be wearing cool buttons and shirts around campus very soon! Since many people did not make the meeting I first want to see if moving the meeting to Monday would be a better day. If you have wanted to attend meetings but cannot because of the day please email me. If we get a large enough demand we may shift days to Monday or another better day.

Most important what we have decided to do for elections is have those interested in positions respond to this email. We will then plan a date and hold a special election meeting. Below you can find a description of what each position entails according to our constitution. So read the positions below and if you are interested in any of them let me know.

The responsibilities of the officers are:
  1. The President calls meetings, sets the agenda, communicates with local media, and sets the general goals for College Democrats for the year.

  2. The Internal Vice President is responsible for overseeing and maintaining the infrastructure of the organization. This officer administers meetings in the President's absence, forms and oversees any internal committees and stays in touch with other internal officers and chairs to see that they are meeting their goals. Similarly, the Internal Vice President is responsible for all internal correspondence of the organization. ( In general the Internal VP will work with the President to organize things around Drexel and all the things that need to be done to organize events with Drexel)

  3. The External Vice President oversees all external outlets of the Drexel Democrats. Thus, this officer keeps contact with and communicates with local democrat and grassroots organizations, assists in planning events, organizes election efforts, and is responsible for the formation of any external committees. (The External VP will focus more on working with the other organizations and groups that are always looking to work with us. They will help keep track of all the groups we affiliate with so that when we have an event we can easily work with these other groups)

  4. The Treasurer manages the organization's finances, supervises fundraising activities and attends Drexel SOOT/SAFAC meetings. In short, the treasurer is responsible for providing and allocating the monetary funds needed to meet the organization's internal and external goals.

  5. The Political Communications Director is responsible for external correspondence of the organization, including writing press releases, maintaining the organizations weblog, communicating with the media in the president's absence, and assists in the creation of dialogue with Drexel students and its community. (This position will work more with the External VP and it would be ideal if the person who held this position begin having articles in the Triangle as often as possible)

So thanks everyone, let me know if you have any interest the positions or input into how things are being run. We would love ideas. Thanks and look out for another email about the elections and next meeting soon!

-Sean Miller
