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Friday, November 03, 2006

It's Almost Here...

Thanks to everybody who made it to the rally and helped us fill the hall for Rendell and Casey on Wednesday. I think the rally went really great and everything worked out, so thanks again!

Weekend Rallies
Click for Details
This Saturday Al Gore, Barack Obama, Ed Rendell, and Bob Casey will be going to multiple counties all day just getting everyone who volunteers excited for the day and weekend. If anyone will be around those suburbs it would be an amazing thing to attend and volunteer for. Email me if you have any other questions.

(Paid!) Volunteering on Election Day and Before
So far it seems that many of us will not be able to do the entire day of volunteering for Rendell on Tuesday because it goes from 10am-8pm. I will still be doing it, so if anyone can make it that would be awesome. We will be making $75. I am going to try to set up something else for those people who just want to volunteer for a few hours, so look out for another email with that info very soon. If anyone is interested in volunteering for Patrick Murphy on Sunday they are paying people to do so and even picking them up here. So let me know.

Election Night Celebration
Tuesday at around 8 or 9 I will be having people over to celebrate the end of the election, the Democratic success, and all of our hard work so please feel free to come by 3318 Arch St for an awesome time! That's all I have for right now, email me if you have any questions and I'm sure you will hear from me soon. Thanks guys!

-Sean Miller
