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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Rally Updates!

Rally with Gov. Ed Rendell and Bob Casey
Wednesday, Nov. 1st @ 12:30-1:30
Logan Terrace Hall
35th and Locust on Penn's Campus.

Ok guys so the amount I need everyone to come to the rally just doubled. Bob Casey will now be speaking at the rally as well as Governor Rendell. I need as many people to come as possible, im begging you guys!! Make your friends go, do whatever you have to do this is going to be probably the biggest event we do for a while. There cannot be any empty seats. The location has changed. It is still this Wednesday, November 1st from 12:30-1:30 but it is now at the Logan Terrace Hall on 35th and Locust on Penn's Campus. Everyone who wants will be meeting in front of my house (3318 Arch) at 12:00 noon and my friend Cait from Penn will be taking everyone down there because I will have to go early. Please guys, I hope to see a lot of people there.

Important Meeting This Week:
Thursday, Nov. 2nd @ 7pm
3rd Floor, Ross Commons

-Sean Miller
