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Monday, April 02, 2007

Welcome Back

Hey guys!

Well I hope everyone had a great break, I definitely needed it! We have a few important things coming up that I desperately need help with. First of all the Activities Unlimited event is this Thursday April 5th from 12-2. The event is taking place in the Quad and I need people to help man the table. I am on co-op now so I will not be able to make but please email me if you can make it for any of the two hours. If anyone can make it for both hours that would be great because I need to give someone the banner and sign up sheets and all. This is a very important event and great way for us to sign up new members who are coming back from co-op!

Also not tomorrow, but next Monday April 9th at 8:00 we will have our first meeting of the term. We will discuss the on going attempt to have Chaka Fattah come to campus as well as the Mayoral Debate that we are going to help organize at the end of the month!
Please let me know if you can make it to activites Unlimited on Thursday 12-2!
-Sean Miller
President, Drexel Democrats
