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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Meeting, Debate, Obama

We will be having a meeting this Monday at 8:00 on the third floor of Ross Commons. I really want a big turn out because Jeff Gardosh who is running for USGA president will be coming to the meeting, telling us why we should support him and then asking us how we think Drexel can be improved!

I was able to reserve seats for everyone who requested tickets for Friday's mayoral debate! Everyone who is going must be in the Main Auditorium by 6:30 because they are not letting anyone else in past 6:45!!! Also, I have been contacted by the Obama people about an awesome event here in Philly -- please read below. See you guys on Monday!

- Sean

Senator Obama will be in Philadelphia on May 22, 2007.
In honor of this much anticipated visit, the campaign is holding a *Community Kick-Off* event at the Electric Factory (421 N 7th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123). Doors open at 4pm. Please encourage folks to arrive early and bring a photo ID.

Philly's own DJ King Britt will be spinning and a very special guest will sing the national anthem.

Please direct all to the following link where tickets may be purchased via credit / debit card. Tickets can be printed at time of purchase.
Click Here to Order Tickets

Ticket prices:
$25 Student (valid student ID required)
$50 General admission
$100 VIP Pavilion

Please feel free to forward this as you see fit. We need as many students as possible!
