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Monday, October 15, 2007

Debate Update!

We have some important information for our members and other students regarding the upcoming Democratic presidential debate at Drexel University. Student tickets will be handled by a lottery system, and you can register for that lottery here. There is a possibility that the Drexel Democrats will be given a small allotment for the debate, so make sure you join the Drexel Democrats to stay informed about that.

There is also exciting news about the debate watch party. The candidates will come over to the watch party to make brief statements after the debate, so you will get to hear from them in person. Also, the watch party is in Mandell Theater, and we will probably be given a large allottment of tickets to it, so the best way to go is to volunteer through us.

Which brings us to volunteering. The Drexel Debate website is signing up volunteers as well. You don't need to register both places, because we are working with the administration. We recommend that you sign up here with us, because we will try to get our volunteers tickets to the watch party, and possibly the main debate. Here is the form for you to volunteer for the debate:

Click "There's More..." for some quick volunteering information.
This saturday we are having a meeting for volunteers, with the first jobs being haded out. These are jobs that NBC and MSNBC need us to do, and they are pretty behind-the-scenes kinds of things. If you are interested, sign up to volunteer on the form above and we will send you the information. Drexel students only please.
