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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Super Tuesday Watch Party

The Drexel College Democrats and the Drexel College Republicans are hosting a Super Tuesday primary results watch party on Tuesday, February 5th, from 7pm to midnight in Behrakis Grand Hall. All members of the Drexel community are invited, and there will be free pizza, door prizes, and forums and discussion areas.

The event is being supported by Drexel Votes 2008, and is being organized by the Drexel Democrats and Drexel Republicans (although naturally, the Republicans haven't done anything and have an organization in name only! Just ask Sean.) Whether you identify as a Democrat, a Republican, or an independent, you're welcome to come out and enjoy the evening.

Of course, as at any Drexel Dems event, we'll be there if you need to register to vote, get an absentee ballot, or answer any political questions you have (unless you're that kid that supports Gravel and heckles us. Then we'll only talk to you for 15 minutes before we get frustrated and ignore you.)

Hope to see you then!
