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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Congratulations to Us!

Tonight was the Drexel Student Life Awards, and I'm happy to report that the Drexel Democrats put forth a strong showing! I won the Ryder award for graduating seniors, Sean won "Student Leader of the Year," and the Drexel Dems won, as Ari put it, "The Big One." Student Organization of the Year! This wasn't just the work of Sean or I or anyone else on the executive board. This was a recognition of the fact that you, the student members and volunteers, spent time enfranchising students and bringing civic engagement to campus.

We were also profiled this year by the always astute Above Average Jane.

So thank you to everyone. I don't want to name names, because there are too many of you that I'd leave people out. I just want to point out that you all spent your days and weekends phonebanking, manning tables to register students, dragging people to the polls, and engaging in intelligent debate. Some of you even traveled to other states to volunteer for candidates. You've made me proud.

So in honor of all of you, I'm posting our YouTube video's below the fold. Just Click "There's more..." to see what Ari and John were talking about when they said we had so many YouTube views.
