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Saturday, March 01, 2008

Clinton Campaign Opportunity

Hey Hillary supporters, check out the following internship opportunity...

Hillary Clinton's Pennsylvania Campaign is looking for interns for this spring, with positions starting immediately. The Pennsylvania Primary is less than 2 months away, and we need YOUR help to elect Hillary President. The Hillary Clinton for President internship program provides an excellent opportunity for students to learn and serve through first-hand participation in the election process. The program is intended to provide knowledge, skills and experiences that each intern can apply to future challenges and professional pursuits.

To start, please attend a campaign meeting this Sunday, March 2nd, at 2pm at 520 N. Delaware Avenue (2nd Floor) in Philadelphia, 19123. [2 blocks away from the Subway]. If you cant make it on Sunday, please email Patrick at, subject "Philly Internship" with the times you are available to intern.

Patrick Bauer
Pennsylvania for Hillary
516-448-2565 (cell)
