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Monday, October 29, 2007

Extra Volunteering Opportunities

The debate is only 1 day away at this point, and there are a number of students who either didn't get a chance to volunteer for the debate, or are volunteering on Monday and would like to be involved on Tuesday as well.

Well, the Drexel Democrats have some things that you can do.
We will have two tables set up on campus on debate day, and they will be your headquarters for what's going on.

Click "There's More..." and I'll break down how you can get involved!

We need people who would be willing to register students to vote and sign people up to join the Drexel Democrats. If you show up at the tables and say "I want to volunteer" we will give you a clipboard and a sign up sheet, and post you nearby to register students and sign them up. The table organizers will show you how to register students (there's just a form for them to fill out) and the table will be nearby if you have any questions.

Additionally, if any debate volunteers don't show up for their assignments, we may need to grab some more volunteers at the last minute. By going to the table and working for us, you will be our reserve volunteers. Any cool debate jobs that we need done, you will get the opportunity.

So come down to campus and hang out all day! There are a ton of events going on all day, and whenever you aren't doing something, you can always help us out and be a standy-by volunteer. You'll get a free button for volunteering!
